THIS SCREEN IS USED TO ADD, CHANGE OR DELETE CUSTOMER RECORDS !NAME/ADDRESS Enter BILL TO and SHIP TO name/address as it is to appear on the invoice. If you enter the word SAME in the SHIP TO line 1 field, the BILL TO name/ address information will be copied to the SHIP TO fields. $REMARK Enter the note or remark that is to print at the bottom of this customer's invoice. If this field is supplied, it will print in addition to the remark specified in the user control record. Ex: "Thank you John." %TERMS Enter the normal payment terms for this customer. Ex: "Net 30 Days". SALES TAX RATE Enter the sales tax rate (expressed as a percent- xx.xx%) for this customer. If an item is coded as taxable, the extended item price will be multiplied by this value to obtain the sales tax amount for the item. If this value is zero, the system will use the default sales tax rate. If both customer and default tax rates are zero, no tax will be computed. Example: 05.00 = 5%. AFTER ENTERING THE CUSTOMER DATA, PRESS THE TO UPDATE THE FILE. 9Press Enter to EXIT s DISPCTL2 E 1 of 3 COMPANY NAME/ADDRESS Enter company name, address, phone no., etc. to which payment is to be made. Invoices may be printed on letterhead paper, providing the letterhead does not extend down more than 2 inches from the top of the page. To use 8.5" x 11" letterhead forms for printing invoices, clear all six (6) lines of the COMPANY NAME/ADDRESS field on the SYSTEM SETUP screen to spaces. This will stop the print program from printing a name and address, and allows the letterhead to provide this information. The document title, "INVOICE" or "CREDIT", will be shifted down the page to allow room for the letterhead. # OF PACKING SLIPS Enter the number of copies of the packing slip to be printed (0,1,2). The first copy will be identified as "COPY-1" and the second as "COPY-2". Packing slips will print ahead of the invoice. If set to zero, no packing slip will be printed. Default = 0. LATE CHARGE ANNUAL % Enter interest rate to be charged on late payments, expressed as an Annual Percentage Rate (APR). If zero, no late charge message prints on invoice. Press to Exit Press Enter to Continue DISPCTL3 E 2 of 3 PRINT INVOICE REGISTER Indicates whether or not an invoice register is to be provided (Y=yes,N=no). If set to Y, you will be prompted at program termination (EXIT) if you would like to print the invoice register. If you respond to the prompt with NO, the invoice data will be kept in the disk file until you desire to print the register. If you respond with YES, and after the register has printed, you will be prompted whether to keep or delete the invoice register records. If this field is set to N, you will not be prompted to print the register. NOTE: CHANGING THIS FIELD FROM Y TO N WHILE THERE ARE RECORDS IN THE INVOICE REGISTER FILE WILL RESULT IN THE LOSS OF ALL UNPRINTED REGISTER RECORDS. DEFAULT SALES TAX % Enter the default sales tax rate (expressed as a percent- xx.xx%) to be used for computing tax on taxable items when the customer tax rate is zero. If the default tax rate and customer tax rate are both zero, no tax will be computed, regardless of the item tax code. Example: 05.00 represents 5%. Default = zero. $REMARK Enter any note or remark that is to print at the bottom of every invoice. This field may be blank. Example: "We appreciate your business". Press to EXIT for previous screen Enter to Continue E 3 of 3 NEXT INVOICE NUMBER Contains the next system assigned invoice number. Startup default = 1 INVOICE MULTI-COPY TITLES Enter a copy name to print at the bottom of each invoice copy. Example: CUSTOMER, FILE COPY, etc. If no name is provided for a copy, that copy will not print. COPY-1 title must be provided. Default = ORIGINAL. !PRINTER PORT Enter the printer port number to which the printer to be used for printing invoices is connected (1,2,3). The FIS system supports only the parallel printer ports known to the system as LPT1, LPT2 or LPT3. (No serial ports are supported.) Most of the time when a computer has only 1 printer, it is attached to port 1 (LPT1). In the unlikely event that you experience a problem printing invoices, try setting the port to 2 or 3. Default = 1. AFTER ENTERING THE APPROPRIATE DATA, PRESS THE TO UPDATE THE FILE. Press for previous screen Press Enter to EXIT THIS SCREEN DISPLAYS CUSTOMER RECORDS IN CUSTOMER NAME SEQUENCE It is used by the PREPARE INVOICES and CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE procedure. To SELECT a customer, use the Up & Down arrows, Page Up & Page Down keys, or the Ctrl/Page Up & Ctrl/Page Down keys to HIGHLIGHT the customer, and then press the appropriate key from the menu at the bottom of the screen. If this screen was displayed from the PREPARE INVOICES procedure, pressing the Enter key will put the customer information on the invoice and return to the PREPARE INVOICES procedure. If this screen was displayed from the CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE menu procedure, pressing the Enter key will display the customer on the customer maintenance screen to allow you to make changes. To ADD a customer, press the INSert key. The maintenance screen will appear. To CHANGE a customer, SELECT the customer and then press the Enter key. The customer will be displayed on the maintenance screen for changes. Changes in the customer file cannot be made from the PREPARE INVOICES procedure. Customer changes may be made on the invoice screen, but they are not saved. To DELETE a customer, SELECT the customer and press the DELete key. The record will be displayed and a delete confirmation will be requested. 9Press Enter to EXIT THIS SCREEN DISPLAYS ITEMS FROM THE ITEM FILE IN DESCRIPTION SEQUENCE It is used by the PREPARE INVOICES and ITEM MAINTENANCE procedure. To SELECT an item, use the Up & Down arrows, Page Up & Page Down keys, or the Ctrl/Page Up & Ctrl/Page Down keys to HIGHLIGHT the item, and then press the appropriate key from the menu at the bottom of the screen. If this screen was displayed from the PREPARE INVOICES procedure, pressing the Enter key will put the item information on the invoice item line and return to the PREPARE INVOICES procedure. If this screen was displayed from the menu ITEM MAINTENANCE procedure, pressing the Enter key will display the item on the item maintenance screen to allow you to make changes. To ADD an item, press the INSert key. The maintenance screen will appear. To CHANGE an item, SELECT the item and then press the Enter key. The item will be displayed on the maintenance screen for changes. NOTE: Changes in the item file cannot be made from the PREPARE INVOICES procedure. Changes may be made on the invoice screen, but they are not saved in the item file. To DELETE an item, SELECT the item and press the DELete key. The item will be displayed and a delete confirmation will be requested. 9Press Enter to EXIT edINVOICE3 E 2 of 6 INVOICE SCREEN FIELD DEFINITIONS INVOICE NUMBER The system will assign consecutive invoice numbers, starting with Number . You may enter another invoice number if desired. %DATE This is the invoice date. The system will supply the current date stored in the computer. You may change the date to any valid date. $BILL TO Enter the customer's name and address to which this invoice is to be sent. The bottom line is reserved for an ATTENTION name. If you press the Enter key before keying anything on the first line, the system will display the customer records in customer name sequence, and you may select the desired customer for the invoice. When the customer data is selected from the customer record display, the BILL TO name/address, SHIP TO name/address and TERMS fields are placed on the invoice screen and the cursor is positioned on the TERMS field. You may position the cursor to any of the completed fields and make desired changes. However, the changes will not be saved in the customer file. Press to EXIT for previous screen Enter to Continue mINVOICE4 E 3 of 6 SHIP TO NAME/ADDRESS Enter the name/address to which the invoice items were shipped or delivered. These fields may be key entered or supplied from the customer file. If you enter the word SAME in the SHIP TO line 1 field, the BILL TO name/address information will be copied to the SHIP TO fields. Fields not required. %TERMS Enter the normal payment terms for the customer. (Ex: Net 30 days, C.O.D.) This field may be supplied from the customer file. Field not required. #SHIP VIA Enter the method of product shipment or delivery. (Ex: Fed Express, U.P.S., etc.) Field not required. !CUSTOMER P/O Enter customer's purchase order number, if applicable. Field not required. &FOB Enter the FOB point for the shipment. Field not required. Press to EXIT for previous screen Enter to continue INVOICE5 E 4 of 6 ITM (ITEM NUMBER) Each item line is numbered consecutively on the screen (maximum 99). Only those items having an extended price are numbered on the printed invoice. This allows you to insert notes on invoice item lines, if desired. QTY (QUANTITY) Enter the item quantity. Maximum quantity = .99. Field not required. "DESCRIPTION Enter the item description. If you press the Enter key before keying any- thing in the description field, the system will display the item records in description sequence, and you may select the desired item for the invoice. When the item is selected from the item display, the price and tax code are also placed on the invoice screen. You may make changes to the item data on the invoice. However, the changes will not be saved in the item file. %PRICE Enter item price. Maximum value = .99. This field may be supplied from the item file. The price is multiplied by the entered quantity to obtain the extended item price. If quantity is 0, the system will use a quantity of 1 for computing extended price. The price may be entered as a negative amount by pressing the minus(-) key in lieu of the Enter key. Press to EXIT for previous screen Enter to continue lINVOICE6 E 5 of 6 %TAX Enter Y if the item is to be taxed or N if item is not to be taxed. If this field is Y, the sales tax amount will be computed by multplying the item extended price by the tax percent in the customer record or by the system default tax percent. The computed tax amount is not displayed, but it is accumulated and the total is shown at the bottom of the screen. Taxed items are identified with an '*' on the printed invoice. Tax cannot be computed if customer is not in the customer file, and the default tax rate is zero. #EXT PRICE This field is normally provided by the system. It is computed by extending quantity times price. However, you may change the computed value. May be negative (press minus(-) key in lieu of Enter key). Max. value = .99. #SUB TOTAL This field is provided by the system. It is the accumulated total extended price of all items on the invoice. This amount does not include sales tax. #SALES TAX This field is provided by the system. It contains the total accumulated sales tax for the invoice items. Press to EXIT for previous screen Enter to continue E 6 of 6 %TOTAL This field is provided by the system. It contains the total invoice amount. Max. value = 9, MISCELLANEOUS NOTES 1) The HIGHLIGHTED Function key fields may be used to immediately position the cursor on the desired field in lieu of using the cursor control keys. (Ex: Pressing the F4-key will position cursor on the SHIP TO: field.) 2) Press the to enter a special note to be printed on the current invoice only. A window will display to allow the note to be entered. The note can consist of two lines, up to 60 characters each. 3) A CREDIT invoice may be printed by pressing the F8-key. Pressing the F8-key again returns to the INVOICE screen. 4) After printing an invoice with more than 9 line items, the system will display a PRINT COMPLETE window and ask if you want to continue, or if you would like to reprint the invoice. If you select reprint, the invoice register file is not updated with the invoice just printed. 5) WHEN ALL DATA HAS BEEN ENTERED, PRESS THE TO PRINT THE INVOICE. Press for previous screen Press Enter to EXIT crINVOICE2 E 1 of 6 TIPS For Using First Invoice System 1) Always press the Enter key after keying data into a field, to ensure that the program accepts the screen data. 2) It is a good idea to issue the print command with the cursor below the last invoice item line. Eliminates the possibility of printing an invoice with an incomplete last line. 3) Use the CTRL-END keys to clear a non-numeric field. (Faster than delete) 4) Use the Backspace key (or enter zero) to clear numeric fields. 5) When printing longer invoices (more than 9 items), review the printed invoice before clearing the screen. Saves reentering the entire invoice if an error is detected on the invoice. 6) When invoices are printed on stock 8.5" x 11" paper, they can be folded and used with a standard business window envelope. 7) New customers and items can be added to the disk files while in the in- voicing procedure. Press INSert from the Customer/Item scroll screen. 8) Screen saver feature is included in the system. If the screen suddenly goes blank (after 10 minutes of non use), press any key to restore. 9) The invoice heading captions (SHIP TO, FOB, etc.) do not print if there are no associated data. 10) Invoice lines can be double spaced by repeatedly pressing the down arrow. 11) Notes can be entered in the invoice item description field. Press to Exit Press Enter to Continue THIS SCREEN IS USED TO ADD, CHANGE OR DELETE ITEMS "DESCRIPTION Enter item description as it is to appear on the invoice. Cannot be blank. "UNIT PRICE Enter the item's normal selling price, hourly rate, etc. It can be changed when preparing an invoice. This value is multiplied by the quantity in the PREPARE INVOICES procedure to obtain the invoice item extended price. Default = zero. SALES TAX? (Y/N) Enter whether or not the item is normally taxed (Y=yes, N=no). If Y, the system will use either the sales tax rate stored in the customer record or the default sales tax rate for computing the tax amount on the item. May be changed when preparing an invoice. Default = N. AFTER ENTERING THE ITEM DATA, PRESS THE TO UPDATE THE ITEM FILE. 9Press Enter to EXIT - MENU2 E 1 of 2 Options may be selected with the cursor control keys or by typing the First letter of a menu item to HIGHLIGHT the item and then press the Enter key. PREPARE INVOICES Allows the user to enter invoice data and then prints the invoice. CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE Procedure for maintaining customer records (Add, Change and Delete). ITEM MAINTENANCE Procedure for maintaining item records (Add, Change and Delete). !SYSTEM SETUP Procedure for maintaining system control information: Company Name/Address, Default Sales Tax Rate, Late Charge Annual %, Register Flag, # of Packing Slips, Remark, Next Invoice #, Invoice Copy Titles (Max-4) and Printer Port. !REGISTRATION Explains user registration and prints a registration form. %EXIT Optionally print invoice register and terminate First Invoice System. Press to Exit Press Enter to Continue E 2 of 2 KEYBOARD USAGE The cursor control keys are used for positioning the cursor on the various screen fields. Other keys are used for clearing fields and entering data. Check each screen display for key usage unique to that particular screen. ENTER - Used to input data keyed into a field. UP ARROW - Positions cursor back (or up) 1 field. DOWN ARROW - Positions cursor forward (or down) 1 field. LEFT ARROW - Moves cursor 1 position to the left within the current field. RIGHT ARROW - Moves cursor 1 position to the right within the current field. PAGE UP - Displays the previous page on a scrolling screen. PAGE DOWN - Displays the next page on a scrolling screen. HOME - Positions cursor at the first input position of a field. END - Positions cursor at the last position entered for a field. INSERT - Toggles insert and overwrite input mode. DELETE - Deletes character at the cursor and shifts remainder to left. BACKSPACE - Moves cursor 1 position to the left and deletes the character at that position. GOOD FOR CLEARING DIGITS IN A NUMERIC FIELD. CTRL/END - Clears current field from the cursor to the end of the field. CTRL/PGUP - Positions a scrolling screen to the first page. CTRL/PGDN - Positions a scrolling screen to the last page. ESC - Exits the current screen or procedure without update. Press for previous screen Press Enter to EXIT INVOICE REGISTER Each time an invoice (or credit) is printed, a summary record is written to an invoice register file. At FIS termination (EXIT), you are asked if you would like to print the invoice register. If you respond NO, the summary records are kept in the file until you are to ready to print the register. If you respond YES, the register is printed, and then you are given an opportunity to delete or keep the register records. The invoice register contains one line per invoice, showing: Invoice No., Date, Customer name, Sub total, Sales tax, and Total amount. Totals for all invoices and credits on the register are printed at the end of the report. A sales tax recap is also printed showing the total amount of sales tax by the various tax rates (up to 12 diff. rates). The register includes all the summary records in the file at the time of printing. By keeping the records until the end of a period (week or month), you can get a period report containing all your invoices and a sales tax recap for the period. Once the records have been deleted, there is no way to retrieve them. 9Press Enter to EXIT CUSTMAIN DISPCTL DISPCTL2, DISPCTL3 DISPCUSTh DISPITEM$ INVOICE2 INVOICE3 INVOICE4 INVOICE5 INVOICE6 INVOICES ITEMMNT 4? MENU MENU2 EG WRAPUP vM